Balades en expertise comptable :
Will Machines Replace Humans ?

Actu Anglais août 2022

Will Machines Replace Humans ?... décrypté par Jean-François Allafort, co-auteur des Fiches DCG UE12 Anglais des affaires, collection « Expert Sup », Dunod, et présenté par Ian Waddelow.


Will Machines Replace Humans ?

Welcome to the series of DUNOD podcasts designed to help improve your English in your own time on topics related to your studies.

Have you heard about Chinese companies using Artificial Intelligence to select new staff members ? Or stock brokers being replaced by computer algorithms which trade at minimal cost automatically 24/7 on exchanges all around the world ? Do you think that Artificial Intelligence will run multinational companies in the future ? And will robots replace humans ?

Working with the assistance of machines has made our existence much less complicated and far easier than for previous generations. Innovative farming equipment replaced men and horses. And following the Industrial Revolution people started outsourcing repetitive hard-labour duties to the working machines. Machines have since learnt to become more intelligent, stimulating and simulating the human brain, modeling human logic, and imitating behaviour.

Indeed, Artificial Intelligence is the term that has been exciting humans’ minds and imaginations during recent times. Some fear that AI may take jobs from people all around the world. Others are confident that machines and humans can work successfully together and may see AI and humans joining forces.

A report from the World Economiс Forum tells that by 2025, 85 million jobs will be replaced by machines with AI.

Artificial intelligence is becoming very good at many “human” jobs—diagnosing disease, translating languages, providing customer service, etc.—and it’s improving fast. It is reasonable to think that AI will ultimately replace human workers in a growing number of activities.

Indeed, machines are much faster than humans when it comes to processing information and performing calculations with accuracy and speed. There have better memories in computers compared to those of humans. Machines work effortlessly and more efficiently than humans. The products can be produced in larger quantities at greater speed and lower cost with the help of machines.

Ss should we be pessimistic ? Or will machines and robots complement and augment human capabilities, rather than replacing them ?

There is nothing to worry about as the World Economic Forum report also mentions that thanks to Artificial Intelligence, 97 million new jobs will open by the same year.

Machines will replace humans for many activities but for every job taken over by a machine there will be an equal, if not higher number of opportunities for jobs to be done by humans. Humans will have to train machines to perform some tasks. Some of these human jobs will be creative, something machines find difficult to do. Others will require humans to hone their superhuman reasoning skills.

In many cases humans and machines will find themselves in symbiotic relationships, helping each other do what they do best. People and machines can and will work together in the future… and they’re already doing so today.

But in five, ten or twenty years’ time how do you see man and robots working together ?